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O Castro British International School
Mission, Vision & Values

Our educational mission and vision

At O Castro British International School, our aim is for every student to learn and progress. To this end, students are encouraged to participate actively in class, develop critical and analytical thinking skills, learn to work effectively as part of a team, debate thoughtfully and respectfully, experiment, and work hard and productively to achieve their goals. 

As they progress through school, students learn how to take responsibility for their own learning as  way to prepare for the life that waits them beyond the school gates. We believe that a school is  just the first step on a learning journey that should last a lifetime.

Our mission is to...

prepare students to shape tomorrow through excellence in British education, with a global perspective.

Our vision is to...

equip students with the tools they need to thrive, overcoming the uncertainty and accelerated changes that the future holds.

Key principles

At O Castro our teaching methods and curriculum are designed around four key principles. These are:


We believe that a great education enriches a life.


We believe challenge is both a fact of life and a vital catalyst for growth.


We believe every student has the potential to shape a better future.


We believe success takes many forms.

A values-based education 

We aim to teach our students the importance of developing a moral compass and having values to support decision making at all stages of life. An education in values is an integral part of the curriculum and daily life at O Castro. In this way we teach our students the importance of:


Nurture the power and sense of responsibility of the individual to judge for themselves and act according to their own values and principles.


An inventive and creative spirit that confidently envisions new and different futures and ways of doing things.  


The belief that a great education entails a wide breadth of experience - both academic and extracurricular - creating a rich context of knowledge, and the conditions for personal exploration. 


A feeling of connection with history and a respect for valuable heritage, embodied in the distinctive rituals and symbols of school life - with a forward-looking tone.  


The global currency of the English language, combined with a British international outlook, rooted in a long history of global engagement and influence. 


A fundamental respect for the status and dignity of others of all backgrounds, manifested in everyday aspects of good manners and discipline.

Self Possession

Emotional regulation, calm and confidence rooted in mindfulness and self-knowledge. Instilling authenticity gravitas.


Creating an environment of managed challenge that stretches students beyond their comfort zones, contains the risk of failure and teaches resilience and confidence.

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